3 Reasons to Launch an E-Newsletter for Your Pet Care Business!

3 Reasons to Launch an E-Newsletter for Your Pet Care Business!

An e-newsletter is the perfect blend of all things marketing for your pet business:

  • Provides good, relevant, and useful information to your clients
  • Allows you to be the ‘expert’ because YOU are providing all that good information
  • And, most importantly, helps to build your relationship with your clients for the long-term.

Marketing for your Pet Industry business may not be at the top of your mind while you’re doing your day-to-day jobs, but it’s always in the back of your mind because you know marketing your pet care business is crucial for its long-term survival.

That’s where an e-newsletter comes in and saves the day!

Your pet care business may have a Facebook page… or a Twitter account… You might post daily on Instagram with adorable ‘client’ pictures and you most likely have a LinkedIn profile page.

Maybe you also send out flyers or coupons and have a dedicated website for your pet business…

All these ways of marketing are terrific! The best thing about adding an e-newsletter to the mix is that it supports all the ways you market your pet business… not takes away from them.

1st Reason:

Supplying good, relevant, and useful information to your clients allows them to see that you are focused on providing value for them and not just trying to constantly sell them something.

Not having your clients feel bombarded with endless sales messages has other benefits as well, such as establishing a connection with them.

That keeps you and your pet business at the front of their minds.

They can also easily communicate with you through your e-newsletter’s invitation for feedback. This not only creates a rapport with your clients, but it gives you an excellent view of what their problems, concerns, hopes and desires are for themselves and their pets.

2nd Reason:

Delivering on the promise of providing easy-to-use and actionable information creates its own benefits as well.

You become the ‘Voice of Authority’ in your client’s eyes.

They begin to look to you for ‘expert’ insights and knowledge they can share with their friends and family by forwarding your e-newsletter to them.

Because your e-newsletter is so interesting and easily readable for them, when they share it on social media or forward it to their friends and family, it creates continued lead generation for you and your pet business without an overwhelming sales approach.

This strengthens your connection with your clients even more.

3rd Reason:

Building a long-term relationship with your clients is the most important reason for launching an e-newsletter.

Because it’s an ongoing monthly (or bi-weekly) event, it keeps you and everything your pet business provides front and center in their minds.

Your clients will know they can count on you to steer them in the right direction, whatever their needs might be because you’ve proven it over and over again with all the value you’ve provided in your e-newsletter.

Helping pet industry businesses launch e-newsletters is what my specialty is.

For the next few weeks, we can walk through the process of setting up, deciding on the target audience and topic ideas, what we’ll write about, etc… all the important aspects of an e-newsletter launch.

If you need a consistent, effective, and proven way to market your pet industry business, then consider launching an e-newsletter.